MADISON, S.D. ( — For Jennifer Thompson of Colman and her high school-aged son Isaak, it started out as just another short trip on a summer day.
Then it wasn’t. Jennifer texted News and told her harrowing tale of dodging cars and bullets this afternoon before the chase and shots fired incident ended up in Madison.
- “He (the suspect driving the car) almost hit Isaak and me as we were leaving (Colman) to go to Chester. He turned down our street and we had to move over by the driveway to 34 Stop. There were two bullet holes in the back driver-side passenger window. Crazy, so glad no one got hurt. Probably 6 highway patrol cars came down our street and a block to the east and west of us.”
Besides the chase occurring on Highway 34 and in Madison, it also took place on the streets of Colman.
Jennifer and Isaak are shaken but ok.
(Julia Kaye contributed to this report.)